Stability and style

The Created By Air L wall is a stylish alternative to a standard two-wall conference event or display area.

Practical and efficient

When combined with a location’s walls or additional structures, the Created By Air L wall can provide as enclosed or open space as needed.

L wall

The Created By Air L wall temporary inflatable event structure can quickly create effective breakout spaces within larger venues. Combining four L walls can quickly and efficiently create a self-contained presentation or display zone.

These walls are available in four sizes and have flat equal-length walls. They are ideal to carry projections, brand messages and added graphics.

This event structure is incredibly easy to set up – simply inflate it with a pump, and you’re ready to go! The structure is made from durable, lightweight materials that are easy to transport and store, making it a cost-effective option for your event needs.

The Created By Air L wall temporary event structures come in four sizes. They can be used alongside other Created By Air temporary inflatable walls and event structures to create combined layouts.

Available lengths: 3m (9.5′), 4m (13′), 5m (16′) and 6m (19.5′)

Height: All Created By Air L walls have a height of 2.4m (approx 8′)

Hiring or purchasing L wall structures

To make an enquiry about hiring single or multiple wall structures, get in touch by using the Contact Us page on the website or use the form on this page and we’ll contact you directly.


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Created By Air Ltd

The Corner House, 2 High Street,

Maidstone, Kent ME20 7BG, UK

REG No: 13070610